
Diversions mitigation using alerts and control tower to improve customer SLA

By Freight Tiger News Desk/2 minutes read

Nucleus – Product Newsletter – Edition 5

Logistics costs in India, as we all know, are extremely high accounting for 14 percent of the GDP.* One of the reasons contributing to higher logistics costs is diversions which result in increased delivery timelines, reduced vehicle availability, additional freight payments to LSPs and significant loss of sale.

*Niti Aayog, RMI & RMI India’s Report titled ‘Fast Tracking Freight In India’


A first-of-its-kind product that helps you:

  • Identify potential divergence to reduce delays and costs
  • Keep a tab of top consignees/warehouses contributing to diversions
  • Create avenues for freight reduction for untraveled kms,
  • Can easily be incorporated into your sales and operations planning

3 – 3.5% Reduction in Annual Freight Cost

Diversion visibility for freight rationalization

✔︎ Get location visibility of all consignees and diverted route instantly
✔︎  Get an action plan and manage exceptions like a pro with our smart algorithm 
✔︎  Analyze diversion patterns by forward & backward unloading, consignees

Smart logistics to predict unplanned stoppages & unloading of goods

✔︎  With up-to-date data, platform capabilities and geo-coding we identify unplanned loadings and stoppages before your trip starts
✔︎  Get up-to-date information about LSPs and consignees causing maximum diversions to better plan your journey
✔︎  Our global ‘point of interest’ data gathers locations of dhabas, tolls, petrol pumps on the way to reduce instances of unnecessary intervention

View unplanned stoppages and unloading of goods

­Case study: How Freight Tiger helped one of India’s leading cement manufacturers solve diversion problems & improve customer SLAs

Explore how Freight Tiger’s platform allowed the team to identify diversion and exceptions in any trip. The platform provided end-to-end visibility into multiple data points generated at each stage of the trip to help in the optimization of decisions for cost reduction. Download the case study!

Get in touch with us to see a demo of Freight Tiger platform.

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Authored By

Freight Tiger News Desk

More about the Author

Freight Tiger News Desk

Published on 18 Apr 2022


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